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Modul belajar membaca untuk anak tk

modul belajar membaca untuk anak tk

Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis model-model pengembangan bahasa tulis pada anak di TK Pertiwi Krakitan IV Kecamatan Bayat Kabupaten Klaten. Stimulasi perkembangan bahasa tulis anak harus disesuaikan dengan usia perkembangan anak. On the one hand, the kids did not get bored and did not realize they were learning to read, write and count, because learning is integrated in play activities. Meanwhile, the introduction of learning to read, write and count in early childhood in kindergarten was slower because it did not focus solely on that learning, but dominantly in play activities. Consequently, those who were following the course outside their formal school mastered faster, although their psychological impact tended to quickly become bored with learning. Most of them also followed that lesson in educational institutions. Many early childhood activities were included in the part-time formal learning. The results showed that the phenomenon of learning to read, write and count in early childhood in Pekalongan appeared on concerns of parents with a basic level of selection into the elementary school. To analysis data, review and reflection, exploration, and reduction were used.

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To answer these questions, observation, in-depth interview and documentation were used in this study. Why such a phenomenon appears? How the model of learning to read, write and count in early childhood around the District of Wiradesa, Pekalongan? And how it impacts their ability to read, write and count and their psychological. The focus of this research is the widespread phenomenon of learning to read, write and count in early childhood around the District of Wiradesa, Pekalongan.

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